When You Need To Contact An Employment Lawyer

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Working in offices means you have some rights and duties that should be kept in check. Every employer has to provide a safe work environment for his workers and provide them with their hard-earned money. An employee has to keep the work environment safe for fellow workers and work for the money they want to earn. The employment law aims at providing a just work environment, for both, the employer and his employees.

However, it is only in ideal situations that the rights of either are met to the fullest. To err is human and human beings miss no chance to create havoc and chaos in the surroundings. If your rights have been violated at your workplace, you need to consult an employment lawyer to help you iron out the situation. Here are some cases when you need to contact an employment lawyer.

1. If You Are A Whistleblower

Whistleblower laws are made to reduce white-collar crimes. If an employee witnesses his employer being a part of criminal activity, he can report it to the authorities anonymously. However, if your cover has been lifted and you are fearing consequences from the employer or other senior members involved in mysterious activities, then you should contact an employment lawyer as soon as possible. Your lawyer will make sure that you are not taken advantage of. 

2. You Have Been Harassed

Laws related to harassment at the workplace are very strict and straightforward. Harassment and discrimination in an office environment is a punishable crimes. If you or your loved one has become a victim of workplace harassment or discrimination, then you should consider hiring an employment lawyer. Your lawyer will make sure that the ones involved meet their consequences. Harassment can be physical, mental, and sexual. You should report to the concerned authorities and let your lawyer do the talking. 

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3. Your Severance Package Is Denied

A severance package is a pay package an employee gets at the time of leaving the office. Sometimes, employers avoid paying severance packages by making different excuses and using technical jargon that a layman does not understand. Some contractual employees have rejected a severance package. Whereas, a severance package is every employee’s right and must be paid with honesty by the employer. If your employer is giving you a hard time with the severance package, then you should consider hiring an employment lawyer. An employment lawyer will negotiate with your employers and work out a deal that benefits you the most. 

4. You Have Been Wrongfully Terminated

If you have been asked to clear your desk and the decision came out of nowhere, then you have a right to ask your employer for the reason. Wrongful termination is punishable in the eyes of law. If you consult a competent employment lawyer, you can sue your employer and ask him the reason behind your wrongful termination. If the employer needs to terminate you, and there is no other option available, then your employer will work out a deal with your employer that should compensate for the loss you have faced due to wrongful termination. 

